Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A history lesson on Afghanistan, Iraq, and BIG Risk Investment!

Part: 1

I have been looking into investing in the IRAQI Dinar. To invest or not to invest.

But first lets start back in 1979. The Soviet Union invades Afghanistan, they stay until 1989. In this amount of time the Afghi, ( afghanistan currency ) was all over the board in value, very unstable. It went as low as 73,000 to 1 on the dollar. Even after it was reset at a 50/1 in 1981. In 1996 the Taliban took over and said the Afghi was worthless, at this time it was trading at 21,000/1. In 2000 it traded at 6200/1, and in 2004 traded at 4300/1. Now it is trading at 45/1.

That means if you would have invested 1,000 USD in 2004 you would now have 4 MIL in the bank today 6 years later. Alot of people made a killing including military stationed Kuwait.

But this is very, VERY high risk. You had The Gulf War in 90-91 it made the area very unstable, but it survived. Now you have the invasion in Iraq 2003 throws the whole region into turmoil. The question is will Iraq survive? If the Chinese have anything to do with it they will!

Now to my point.

Before the Gulf War in 1989 the IRAQI Dinar was worth 3.21/1 over 3 times the US Dollar! By 1995 it was down to 5000/1.

When the US invaded Iraq in 2003, all of the old Iraq currency had Saddam on it and was banned. ( ww2 Hitler?) The NEW Dinar they started printing in 2003. Anything made before this in not legal for trade. It went as low as 4000/1. Currently it is about 1000 to 1 usd.

This all for tonight. I will continue this weekend! You won't want to miss my op on this.

1 comment:

  1. Some interesting fact about the Iraq war that most do not know, before the invasion of Iraq there was 6 countries in the world that did not have privatized centralized banking. In America we call it the Federal Reserve and in England they call it the Bank of England. The 6 countries that did not have these wonderful institutions were as follows: Iraq, North Korea, Libya, Cuba, Iran and Afghanistan! Well, along with our military force, death and violence that followed us, we also brought along with us the international bankers. They will now have the same monetary policy we have. That is also why there is such a massive propaganda going out against Iran because Iran currently doesn't have their own privatized central bank but their monetary policy is controlled by the government of Iran not the IMF or the world bank. For that matter that why there are so many out there working so hard to find or provoke a reason to go after North Korea as well. Wasn't that so nice of us to do that for Iraq and Afghanistan? I mean we all have seen how a privatized central bank that issue fiat money has worked out so well for us. I like to call central banks "The magic money fairies" who occasionally like to leave little luck bombs for their friends aka bailouts! We must always remember that the root of all evils is the love of money and the more you dig into world affairs and politics you will be amazed at how true that really is. So, since they will now have same debasing monetary policy that we have here I would not be investing in their currency either. The best investments are commodities, precious metals, real estate and anything that could be considered a hard asset. Any sort of paper assets are subject to Federal Reserve manipulations and will ultimately be devalued.
