Well, this is it folks, after lots of pressure and begging from my wife I will now be blogging!
Drawing a blank right now.......... OK. Here is what is up.
A couple things that need to get off my chest that are driving me nuts. THE DOLLAR is down right now, Gold is up, stock market is up, and WE are in a (recession), and UN employment is at 10%. BUT that being said, the Obama admin, (short for administration) just released a report that's says they created 3 MILLION jobs, and things are looking up! That is a 3 with 000,000 or so. Actually it could be as high as 3.6 MILLION! WOW!!! YAY!!! The recession is over!! Give me a fork so I can gouge my eye out. Someone once said and I quote, " Tell a LIE often enough, long enough, and loud enough and people will believe you". (Adolf Hitler). What is THAT? A net gain negative on a positive to equal a positive negative? You do the math. It only cost 862,000,000,000. THAT'S right 862 BILLION of your money you borrowed from CHINA to create this! And they can't believe they are getting flak from their stats. Eric Holder is probably sobbing on his high fiber bran muffin! OR he is laughing at how STUPID & GULLIBLE people really are and keeping his fingers crossed that we will believe all this crap.
OK, one thing covered, a million to go!
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